

18:23 RT @gihyojp: レポート「Hadoop Hacks Night詳細レポート[前編] 」公開 http://gihyo.jp/news/report/2010/03/1101 18:18 RT @delicious50: Free Programming Books http://bit.ly/CrFyt free programming books ebooks development book software 1…


20:17 RT @newsycombinator: Digg: 4000% Performance Increase by Sorting in PHP Rather than MySQL http://bit.ly/cGjMp5 20:03 RT @openidretweeter: RT: いい流れですよね。RT @somafire: OpenIDが面白い所に絡んで来た! RT @taku_jp RT @kharaguchi: …


04:06 "MessagePack is a binary-based efficient object serialization library" http://bit.ly/bNbHgc "4x faster than pbuffers" RT @phunt Powered by twtr2src


02:23 RT @rgaidot: bigdata is less about size, and more about freedom /by @bradfordcross http://tcrn.ch/dqfFkY 01:38 RT @adampasick: "Chatroulette pervert concentration is the highest in the UK" -- great statistical study: http://is.gd/aNi…


21:34 RT @voidspace: Turned my PyCon talk on unittest2 and the new features in unittest into an article: http://bit.ly/cPOJw1 21:31 RT @delicious50: マークアップ効率化 - zen-codingでコーディングを倍速に (Yahoo! JAPAN Tech Blog) http://bit.…


18:26 RT @kevindente: Wacky AppStore pricing experiment. http://bit.ly/bcuaV2 10:11 RT @paul_houle: http://tcrn.ch/alivT0 <- SpotRank gives access to over 500 million anonymous location "check ins" via Skyhook 07:33 RT @voidspace: Shared: …


21:04 RT @kirkwy [blog] My #QCon London 2010 rundown post: http://bit.ly/9eC5R1 Big trends: CAP Theorem, Performance Testing Driven Development 20:52 RT @rww: Why Wikipedia Should Be Trusted As A Breaking News Source http://bit.ly/9cQxqj 2…


12:05 RT @readelicious: InfoQ: Test Driven Development: Ten Years Later: http://bit.ly/6H0b4M 11:59 RT @deliciouspb: InfoQ: Persistent Data Structures and Managed References http://bit.ly/54U75 11:37 RT @paulk_asert: Design Patterns in Fun…


19:23 RT @debasishg Now with Reddit following Twitter, Rackspace, Facebook and digg, Cassandra is getting http://bit.ly/cgKK0J 16:04 RT @just_do_neet: http://nlpwww.nict.go.jp/corpus/ "ALAGIN 言語資源サイト" フォーラム参加を進言してみよう…


17:04 awesome presentation on eucalyptus (open source cloud spinout from ucsb) and clouds in general: http://bit.ly/d4jnkR RT @igrigorik Powered by twtr2src


18:58 【東原亜希デスブログ伝説】「鶴岡八幡宮に行ってきたよ〜」→ご神木倒壊 http://ff.im/hnumK 17:03 RT @topsy_top5k: All new Zero Punctuation: Aliens vs Predator http://bit.ly/atGElK @YahtzeeCroshaw @TheEscapistMag #ZP #esc Powered by twtr2…


18:29 RT @publickey: ブログ書きました: コンピュータサイエンス史上最大の課題「並列処理による性能向上」〜情報処理学会創立50周年記念全国大会の招待講演 http://www.publickey.jp/blog/10/50.html 17:30 おめでとうございます! RT @toko_m: セッショ…


22:35 RT @alleyinsider: LIVE: Cisco's Epic Announcement That Will "Change The Internet Forever"; $CSCO by http://bit.ly/dub91s 21:17 RT @TheOfficialACM: Charles P. Thacker to Receive 2009 ACM Turing Award for Design of First Modern Persona…


05:53 RT @ashigeru: 「さすがモナド、やることが汚い!」 Powered by twtr2src


15:14 RT @xkcdbot: Honor Societies: http://xkcd.com/703/ #xkcd 15:14 RT @xkcdbot: Academia vs. Business: http://xkcd.com/664/ #xkcd 15:14 RT @delicious50: xkcd: Devotion to Duty http://bit.ly/9xOAfo sysadmin xkcd funny comic humor comics f…


22:37 B´z 3/3東京ドーム公演にて、チケット発券トラブル発生 http://ff.im/gZqV8 19:37 Now I know. RT @citizenk The key to life http://post.ly/agi 19:18 RT @citizenk: Collatz Conjecture http://post.ly/QtJf Powered by twtr2src


13:10 RT @pistachio "Making the wrong decision is unfortunate. Making no decision is unforgiveable." via @ebloch Powered by twtr2src


10:43 RT @nsharp_2ch: NoSQLを知る by @frsyuki さん http://www.slideshare.net/frsyuki/nosql-3213215 10:28 RT @topsy_top20k: dev: http://d.hatena.ne.jp/Gemma/20100216/1266337331 10:17 RT @hatebu: 高木浩光@自宅の日記 - はてなのかんたんログイ…


10:32 RT @itm_enterprise: Googleがまた買収。今度はクラウドベースの画像編集サービスです。:Google、オンライン写真編集サービスのPicnikを買収 ^sato http://bit.ly/cweNVP 10:31 RT @techcrunch: Why Google Pushed Buzz Out The Door Before It Was R…