

23:22 RT @babasave: wow candy-land is open now - petabytes of bing data - to play with http://bit.ly/craH9L 23:18 RT @debasishg: Design Patterns for Distributed Non-Relational Databases .. a good presentation .. http://bit.ly/hHF4b 22:55 R…


07:22 Pushing+the+Limits+of+Distributed+Processing http://shar.es/mcHWJ 02:25 RT @eWEEKNews Extreme, Force 10 Push 40Gb Ethernet at Interop - Enterprise Networking from eWeek http://bit.ly/bZzTbE Powered by twtr2src


21:43 RT @ieeespectrum: Hacking Ticketmaster http://bit.ly/9K3PPu 19:53 RT @huffpo: Andy Borowitz: Somali Pirates Say They Are Subsidiary of Goldman Sachs http://huff.to/aMt2a2 19:01 RT @newsycombinator: FlockDB: Twitter's distributed, fau…


10:50 RT @sf105: On Designing and Deploying Internet-Scale Services http://bit.ly/ch6TG7 10:50 RT @hackingdata: england's finest technical writer @henryr tackles cap: http://bit.ly/abCTEt 03:17 RT @topsy_top20k: HawtDB,embedded,transaction…


10:15 RT @techcrunch: Google Escalates The Location War With Google Places - http://tcrn.ch/cEvgR5 by @erickschonfeld 10:15 RT @techcrunch: Facebook To Twitter: Back Off, We Own People's Interests - http://tcrn.ch/9Vy7yR by @erickschonfeld…


16:53 RT @hatebu: SQLiteのテストコードは4567万8000行! 本体のコードは6万7000行 − Publickey (84 users) http://bit.ly/8ZbqWn 15:57 RT @hatebu: 並列イベント駆動I/Oフレームワーク「mpio」リリース - 古橋貞之の日記 (54 users) http://bit.ly/d0HLcp…


15:51 RT @itaosan: GAE/Jで必須と思われる設定をまとめてみた #appengine http://d.hatena.ne.jp/itaosan/20100421 06:15 RT @doofdoofsf: a few folks asked for a link to my http://bit.ly/aUQhBn 06:04 RT @rww: 90% of Content on Google Buzz is Bots…


05:49 RT @newsycombinator: GFS: Evolution on Fast-forward http://bit.ly/3BEvr4 05:45 RT @mbre: Nice: http://www.umiacs.umd.edu/~balajiv/GPUML.htm 05:34 RT @veer66: vbookmark: Large-data Statistical Machine Translation with Hadoop http://ti…


21:35 RT @suzu9: 科研「情報爆発IT基盤」領域全体会合の案内 http://j.mp/8XewAv 錚々たるメンバーだ((((;゜Д゜)))) 05:44 RT @delicious50: HBase vs Cassandra: why we moved ? Bits and Bytes. http://bit.ly/dn7Vjm benchmark cassandra consistency h…


07:46 RT @bubbl_scala: Building Distributed Systems in Scala http://ff.im/-j7nIc 07:45 RT @dany1468: これは凄いな。|Windows AzureでLL言語系Webアプリケーション開発。http://www.slideshare.net/stanaka/using-windows-azure Powered by twtr2src


14:18 RT @netik: Slides from my Chirp talk are now online: http://www.slideshare.net/netik/billions-of-hits-scaling-twitter #chirp 12:23 RT @techcrunch: Twitter's Gift To Developers: Limitless User Streams And Annotations - http://tcrn.ch/…


02:40 ニコ生視聴中 : 【?】the future of #iPhone OS ?#ambs 【live】 Theme:iPhone OS 4.0 が発表されるようです。 http://nico.ms/lv14712800 #ambs 02:20 RT @newsycombinator: Math is not linear, so why do we teach it like that? http://bit.ly/9l…


22:58 RT @delicious50: 50 Tips, Tweaks and Hacks to Make the Most of Google Calendar | Virtual Hosting Blog http://bit.ly/coCOY Google, 20:20 RT @techcrunch: Review: The Apple iPad http://tcrn.ch/bqW741 15:03 RT @delicious50: Definition of…


22:04 RT @delicious50: What is your most productive shortcut with Vim? - Stack Overflow http://bit.ly/cVLYit 17:13 RT @newsycombinator: Math Overflow (A StackExchange site for Maths) http://bit.ly/2fBC7T 16:39 WPA Cracker Offers Online Clo…


09:58 RT @dgou: The Big Picture: RT @justinvincent: Why I'll never own another server http://bit.ly/9BLUr4 09:33 RT @jesus: Fine. I'm an alcoholic. Are y'all happy now? 09:28 RT @jesus: I just ousted Dad as the Mayor of the world. Powered …


14:52 RT @techcrunch: What Would You Do For $5? - http://tcrn.ch/aAqRnD by @leenarao 11:46 RT @mamoruk: http://d.hatena.ne.jp/mamoruk/20100326/p2 11:34 RT @delicious50: Python Twitter Tools (command-line client and IRC bot) http://bit.ly/2…


23:57 RT @newsycombinator: Man arrested at Large Hadron Collider claims he's from the future http://bit.ly/cOf6iI 23:56 RT @quantumgood: We have a sparkly April Fool's winner... http://j.mp/bxb12t 23:40 RT @popurls: Who really spends the m…